Knowledge management strategies that create value
By Leigh P. Donoghue, Jeanne G. Harris and Bruce E. Weitzman
There is no one-size-fits-all way to effectively tap a firm's intellectual capital. To create value, companies must focus on how knowledge is used to build critical capabilities.
A firm that had invested millions of dollars in a state-of-the-art intranet intended to improve knowledge sharing got some bad news: Employees were using it most often to retrieve the daily menu from the company cafeteria. The system was barely used in day-to-day business activities.
Few executives would argue with the premise that knowledge management is critical—but few know precisely what to do about it. There are numerous examples of knowledge-management programs intended to improve innovation, responsiveness and adaptability that fall short of expectations. Researchers at the Accenture Institute for Strategic Change have been exploring the roots of the problem and have developed a method to help executives make effective knowledge management a reality in their organizations.
Much of the problem with knowledge management today lies in the way the subject has been approached by vendors and the press. Knowledge management is still a relatively young field, with new concepts emerging constantly. Often, it is portrayed simplistically; discussions typically revolve around blanket principles that are intended to work across the organization. For example, companies are urged to emulate knowledge-management leaders such as British Petroleum and Skandia. And most knowledge-management initiatives have focused almost entirely on changes in tools and technologies, such as intranets and Lotus Notes.
These approaches have little relevance for executives contending with the day-to-day reality of running a company. Knowledge management is complex and multifaceted; it encompasses everything the organization does to make knowledge available to the business, such as embedding key information in systems and processes, applying incentives to motivate employees and forging alliances to infuse the business with new knowledge. Effective knowledge management requires a combination of many organizational elements—technology, human resource practices, organizational structure and culture—in order to ensure that the right knowledge is brought to bear at the right time.
Many companies have implemented sophisticated intranets, common repositories and other systems, largely ignoring the complex cultural issues that influence the way people behave around knowledge. By and large, those companies have seen little improvement in their ability to manage knowledge. Too often, companies implement state-of-the-art technology and then discover that culture and behavior are slow to change.
In short, simplistic solutions and "one-size-fits-all" approaches leave executives with little in the way of practical advice about how to transform the entire knowledge-management system. What's more, this fuzziness makes it difficult for executives to see a clear link between their knowledge-management investments and business value.
To help executives, the Institute has developed a framework that associates specific knowledge-management strategies with specific challenges that companies face. This Knowledge Management Framework is based on the premise that the focus should be placed on the way knowledge is used to build the critical capabilities a company needs in order to succeed—on the core processes and activities that enable it to compete. Enhancing a bank's know-how in evaluating credit risk, for example, should result in reduced loan losses; improving a consumer products company's understanding of customer preferences should increase its percentage of successful new products.
A conitnuación de Indican dos parrafos en los cuales se destacan:
Frase Nominal : Nucleo, Pre modificadores, Post modificadores
Frase verbal, Nucleo, Señalar el tiempo verbal
Few executives would argue with the premise that knowledge management is critical—but few know precisely what to do about it.
A firm that had invested millions of dollars in a state-of-the-art intranet intended to improve knowledge sharing got some bad news: Employees were using it most often to retrieve the daily menu from the company cafeteria. The system was barely used in day-to-day business activities.
Few executives would argue with the premise that knowledge management is critical—but few know precisely what to do about it. There are numerous examples of knowledge-management programs intended to improve innovation, responsiveness and adaptability that fall short of expectations. Researchers at the Accenture Institute for Strategic Change have been exploring the roots of the problem and have developed a method to help executives make effective knowledge management a reality in their organizations.
Much of the problem with knowledge management today lies in the way the subject has been approached by vendors and the press. Knowledge management is still a relatively young field, with new concepts emerging constantly. Often, it is portrayed simplistically; discussions typically revolve around blanket principles that are intended to work across the organization. For example, companies are urged to emulate knowledge-management leaders such as British Petroleum and Skandia. And most knowledge-management initiatives have focused almost entirely on changes in tools and technologies, such as intranets and Lotus Notes.
These approaches have little relevance for executives contending with the day-to-day reality of running a company. Knowledge management is complex and multifaceted; it encompasses everything the organization does to make knowledge available to the business, such as embedding key information in systems and processes, applying incentives to motivate employees and forging alliances to infuse the business with new knowledge. Effective knowledge management requires a combination of many organizational elements—technology, human resource practices, organizational structure and culture—in order to ensure that the right knowledge is brought to bear at the right time.
Many companies have implemented sophisticated intranets, common repositories and other systems, largely ignoring the complex cultural issues that influence the way people behave around knowledge. By and large, those companies have seen little improvement in their ability to manage knowledge. Too often, companies implement state-of-the-art technology and then discover that culture and behavior are slow to change.
In short, simplistic solutions and "one-size-fits-all" approaches leave executives with little in the way of practical advice about how to transform the entire knowledge-management system. What's more, this fuzziness makes it difficult for executives to see a clear link between their knowledge-management investments and business value.
To help executives, the Institute has developed a framework that associates specific knowledge-management strategies with specific challenges that companies face. This Knowledge Management Framework is based on the premise that the focus should be placed on the way knowledge is used to build the critical capabilities a company needs in order to succeed—on the core processes and activities that enable it to compete. Enhancing a bank's know-how in evaluating credit risk, for example, should result in reduced loan losses; improving a consumer products company's understanding of customer preferences should increase its percentage of successful new products.
A conitnuación de Indican dos parrafos en los cuales se destacan:
Frase Nominal : Nucleo, Pre modificadores, Post modificadores
Frase verbal, Nucleo, Señalar el tiempo verbal
Few executives would argue with the premise that knowledge management is critical—but few know precisely what to do about it.
Frase Nominal: Few executives would
Pre modificadores: Few, Post modificadores: would
Frase verbal: argue with the premise that knowledge management is critical—but few know precisely what to do about it.
Nucleo: argue
Tiempo verbal de la oración: presente, condicional
Pronombre: that
Effective knowledge management requires a combination of many organizational elements—technology, human resource practices, organizational structure and culture—in order to ensure that the right knowledge is brought to bear at the right time.
Frase Nominal: Effective knowledge management
Pre modificadores: Effective, Post modificadores: management
Frase verbal: requires a combination of many organizational elements—technology, human resource practices, organizational structure and culture—in order to ensure that the right knowledge is brought to bear at the right time.
Nucleo: requieres
Tiempo verbal de la oración: presente.
Pronombre: that
Too often, companies implement state-of-the-art technology and then discover that culture and behavior are slow to change.
Pre modificadores: Few, Post modificadores: would
Frase verbal: argue with the premise that knowledge management is critical—but few know precisely what to do about it.
Nucleo: argue
Tiempo verbal de la oración: presente, condicional
Pronombre: that
Effective knowledge management requires a combination of many organizational elements—technology, human resource practices, organizational structure and culture—in order to ensure that the right knowledge is brought to bear at the right time.
Frase Nominal: Effective knowledge management
Pre modificadores: Effective, Post modificadores: management
Frase verbal: requires a combination of many organizational elements—technology, human resource practices, organizational structure and culture—in order to ensure that the right knowledge is brought to bear at the right time.
Nucleo: requieres
Tiempo verbal de la oración: presente.
Pronombre: that
Too often, companies implement state-of-the-art technology and then discover that culture and behavior are slow to change.
Frase Nominal: Too often, companies implement state-of-the-art technology and then discover that culture and behavior
Pre modificadores: Too often, Post modificadores: state-of-the-art technology and then discover that culture and behavior
Frase verbal: are slow to change
Nucleo: are
Tiempo verbal de la oración: presente.
Pronombre: that
Pre modificadores: Too often, Post modificadores: state-of-the-art technology and then discover that culture and behavior
Frase verbal: are slow to change
Nucleo: are
Tiempo verbal de la oración: presente.
Pronombre: that
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