A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario.
1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu area de interes. Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces.. agrega las abreviaciones.
2. Idea principal del texto (en español)
3. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)
•Palabras de contenido:
•Palabras de Función:
•Cognados verdaderos:
•Cognados Falsos:
B. Estructura de la oracion: (2 ejemplos)
Frase nominal
1.Nucleo de la frase nominal
2.pre modificadores- post modificadores
Frase verbal
1.Nucleo de la frase verbal
2.Tiempo verbal
C. Reflexion Final del curso (nueva entrada)
A continuacion se presenta el articulo:
Communities of Practice (CoPs) as a phenomenon have been around for many years but the term itself was not coined until 1991 when Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger used it in their exploration of Situated Learning (Lave and Wenger, 1991). Situated learning is learning that takes place through working practices, for example, an apprenticeship where an employee learns skills "on the job". The five examples that Lave and Wenger looked at in their book were Vai and Goa tailors, meat cutters, non-drinking alcoholics, Yucatan midwives and US Navy quartermasters. However, although all their examples were based around an apprenticeship model, they emphasised that CoPs are not restricted to apprenticeships.
Lave and Wenger (1991) saw the acquisition of knowledge as a social process where people can participate in communal learning at different levels depending on their level of authority or seniority in the group, i.e. whether they are a newcomer to the group or have been a member for a long time. Central to their notion of a CoP as a means of acquiring knowledge is the process by which a newcomer learns from the group; they term this process Legitimate Peripheral Participation (LPP).
LPP is both complex and composite and although Lave and Wenger saw LPP as an inseparable whole, it is helpful to consider the three aspects, legitimation, peripherality and participation separately. Legitimation refers to the power and the authority relations in the community. Peripherality refers to the individual's social rather than physical peripherality in relation to the community. This in turn is dependent on their history of participation in the group and the expectation of their future participation in and interaction with the community.
Thus, a new member of the community moves from peripheral to full participation in the community. Initially their activities may be restricted to simply gathering domain knowledge. Later the newcomer may become involved with gaining knowledge associated with the specific work practices of the community, for example in the case of tailors, it might be cutting basic shapes out of cloth. Gradually, as the newcomer learns, the tasks will become more complicated and the newcomer becomes an old-timer and is recognised as a source of authority by its members.
A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario.
1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu area de interes. Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces.. agrega las abreviaciones.
apprenticeship /ə'prentəsʃɪp / /ə'prentɪsʃɪp/ sustantivo
aprendizaje m (de un oficio);
to serve an ~ in sth hacer(conj.⇒) el aprendizaje de algo
emphasised: emphasis /'emfəsəs / sustantivo (pl -ses /-si:z/ ) énfasis m;
seniority /si:n'jɔ:rəti /ˌsi:ni'ɒrəti/ n uncountable
a.(in rank) jerarquía f
b.(in length of service) antigüedad f
2. Idea principal del texto (en español)
R.- El texto trata sobre las comunidades de parctica, concepto oroginado por Jean Lave y Etienne Wenger. De igual forma se estrablece el aprendizaje como estrategia basadas en la adquición de conocmiento.
3. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)
•Palabras de Contenido: phenomenon, community.
•Palabras de Función: around, although.
•Verbos: takes, learns
•Adverbio: separately, Initially.
•Adjetivo: many, used.
•Artículo: a, the.
•Preposiciones: around, at.
•Conjunción: and, that.
•Cognados verdaderos: practices, exploration.
•Cognados Falsos: seniority, newcomer.
•Sufijo: separately, Initially.
•Prefijos: inseparable, recognised.
B. Estructura de la oracion: (2 ejemplos)
Communities of Practice as a phenomenon have been around for many years but the term itself was not coined until 1991 when Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger used it in their exploration of Situated Learning.
Frase nominal: Communities of Practice as a phenomenonNucleo de la frase nominal: Communities
Pre modificadores: N/A
Post modificadores: of Practice as a phenomenon
Frase verbal: have been around for many years but the term itself was not coined until 1991 when Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger used it in their exploration of Situated Learning
Nucleo de la frase verbal: have been
Tiempo verbal: Presente Perfecto
Central to their notion of a Communities of Practice as a means of acquiring knowledge is the process by which a newcomer learns from the group; they term this process Legitimate Peripheral Participation
Frase nominal: Central to their notion of a Communities of Practice as a means of Nucleo de la frase nominal: Communities
Pre modificadores: Central to their notion of a
Post modificadores: Practice as a means of
Frase verbal: knowledge is the process by which a newcomer learns from the group; they term this process Legitimate Peripheral Participation
Nucleo de la frase verbal: acquiring
Tiempo verbal: Presente
C. Reflexion Final del curso (nueva entrada)
Toda etapa de nuestras vidas está llena desde que nacemos de procesos de aprendizaje que nos permiten generar conocimiento y evolucionar como seres humanos. Estos conocimientos, permiten adaptarnos como “organizaciones humanas” a los cambios que genera el entorno globalizado. En este sentido, el idioma es el principal medio de comunicación y transmisión de conocimiento. Por ello, considero la importancia del aprendizaje del lenguaje, en este caso el ingles, desde un punto de vista gramatrical que nos permita entender, analizar e interpretar lo expuesto en un texto.
En el presente curso, adquiri conocimientos importantes sobre la identificación de los elemetos que integran una oración en ingles, así como, saber diferenciar entre la idea principal y secundaria de un parrafo. Es impornte que este tipo de conocimientos sean profundizados mas en el proceso de transmición de conocimiento que se produce en todos los niveles academicos.